
Mike wants to work out the height of a tree with a fence all around it. From A he can see the angle of elevation is 19°

Accepted Solution

Answer:The height of tree ≈ 13.8 m.Step-by-step explanation:The rest of the question is as shown in the attached figure.As shown:In ΔABT :Exterior angle at B = ∠A + ∠ATB∠ATB = 32° - 19° = 13°Using the sine law:[tex]\frac{AB}{sinT} =\frac{BT}{sinA} \\BT = \frac{AB}{SinT} *sinA = \frac{18}{sin13} *sin19[/tex]In ΔOBT :Sin 32 = opposite/hypotenuse = h/BTh = BT * sin 32Substitute with the value of BTh = 18 * sin 19* sin 32 / sin 13= 13.8 mSo, The height of tree ≈ 13.8 m.